Burial BurialSite: Franzhausen-Kokoron | Burial: 437
Burial site | BurialSite: Franzhausen-Kokoron |
Burial number | 437 |
Burial type |
urn burial
Absolute age | None |
C14 dendro | No |
Secondary burial | No |
Secondary burial text | |
Displaced | No |
Displaced text | |
Extraordinary burial | No |
Extraordinary burial text | |
Inhumation burial type | |
Bi ritual burial type |
Filling objects |
ceramic sherd(s) human remains animal remains |
Intentionally deposited | Unknown |
Filling | monophase and unburnt |
Urn |
Grave Goods |
Total amount | 2 |
Anthropology |
Total amount | 1 |
Animal Remains |
Total amount of Animal Remains | 1 |
Construction | flat grave |
Arrangement | grave pit |
Cover | Unknown |
Cover type | None |
Grave pit form | amorph |
Grave pit orientation | None |
Length | 75 |
Width | 63 |
Diameter | None |
Height | 2-58 |
Post holes | |
Surface identification mark | |
Erdgraebchen | |
Other features |